To ensure the safest and most successful event, all volunteers must participate in the following...
Background Checks (all volunteers 18+) and Volunteer Training. All forms must be completed by training dates.
Background Checks (all volunteers 18+) and Volunteer Training. All forms must be completed by training dates.
VOLUNTEER ROLESWould you like to know how you can help with Night to Shine? We have a number of ways to can make the night great for our guest! Take a few minutes to learn more about how you can volunteer!
Important FormsTo be registered as a volunteer for Night to Shine, the following forms need to be completed and returned:
Volunteer Registration FormThank you to everyone who has volunteered to help us make this year Night To Shine amazing. At this time, we have all of our volunteer roles filled, so we will not be taking any more applications at this time. If you have any questions, visit out contact page.